Přežili byste TITANIC?
Někteří ano, někteří ne. I o tom se mohli 21.3.2019 přesvědčit žáci TA na výstavě Titanic v Brně. Nejen, že si mohli trochu zlepšit svoji angličtinu hledáním faktů o Titanicu v hodinách, které předcházely, a samozřejmě také přímo na výstavě, ale rozšířili si i své vědomosti nejen o tom, jak se potopil "nepotopitelný" Titanic, ale i které světové historické události tomu předcházely.
Zde jen dva komentáře z mnoha přímo od žáků TA.
Our school was on a trip in Brno. When we came to the exhibition, lots of us took photos in the lobby. Our guide told us to be quiet and we took the audio guides. Somebody just walked throught the exhibition, but I was in the group which listened to almost everything. When the exhibition finished, we went for lunch and then travelled back. It was very exciting and I‘m very happy that I was there. Lukáš Cetkovský
On the 21st of March, we visited an exhibition of Titanic in Brno. We all got our roles of the people from the ship and then the instructor gave us little audioguides. Then we SUNK into that. We roamed thru the exhibition and the selling point. The exhibits. We all could see the dining rooms or the bedrooms of the first class. It was hella' luxury. Not like the ones from the third class where you had water pipes above your head. Unfortunately, I died and somebody stole my revolver, but my kids survived tho. What a luxuryious way to die. Vojta´s group